Scope of University’s Internal Quality Audit of NUST Institutions

The quality audit of NUST Institutions shall cover following points pertaining / applicable to the specific institution. The available documents relevant to the various aspects of Audit Scope may be kept in the room reserved for the panel interviews during the audit visit.

(a)     Management and Program Mission, Objectives & Outcome

(1) Evidence of graduating students performing the desired outcomes.
(2) Results of previous assessment and consequent improvement of program.

(b)     Curriculum Design and Organization

(1) Faculty Members’ Course Folders
(2) Departmental Students’ Folders
(3) Examination record and compliance of NUST Exam Policy
(4) Teachers’ Evaluation Record based on the Classroom visits by HoD
(5) Guest lectures / Educational visits arranged by the Department
(6) Students’ attendance / Shortage of attendance
(7) Weekly Time Table of all programs

(c)     Compliance of HEC Quality Criteria

(i)   Record of Implementation of Plagiarism Policy
(ii)  SAR writing / preparation record:

•   List of Program Teams of each program
•   List of Assessment Teams of each program
•   SARs which are ready

(d)     Laboratories and Computing Facilities

(1) Adequacy of equipment as per program requirement and student strength
(2) Record of serviceability of available Lab equipment
(3) Manuals for practical’s
(4) Safety Regulations / Instructions
(5) Log books of major equipment
(6) Utilization Rate (UR)
(7) Lab Staff details (Name, Qualification, Grade, Date of Employment)
(8) Internet facility in institution / hostel.

(e)    Students

(1) Student population – Course / Section-wise
(2) Orientation process / Student Guidelines
(3) Student Counseling System
(4) Extra-curricular activities / students clubs / sports facilities
(5) Student interaction with institution’s administration
(6) Record of Internship and placement of graduates
(7) Student Related Feedbacks / Surveys:
(a) Student Course Evaluation Questionnaire
(b) Survey of Graduating Students
(c) Survey of Alumni (d) Survey of Employers
(e) Research Student Progress Review Form
(f) Survey of Department offering PhD Programs

(f)     Faculty

(1) Evidence of Orientation process of New Faculty
(2) Process being followed for Mentoring of New / Junior Faculty
(3) Workload of Faculty; Additional responsibilities
(4) Lecture-wise course breakdown of course(s) taught by the faculty members
(5) Faculty Dossiers (with HoD)
(6) Details of Calculating Student / Teacher Ratio
(7) Procedure to ensure effective teaching / learning processes
(8) Details of Faculty research grants; obtained and utilization
(9) Copies of Faculty Publications in last five years
(i) ISI / Scopus Indexed journals
(ii) HEC approved journals
(iii) Others
(10) Textbook(s) / Book Chapters written by faculty member(s)
(11) Detail of patents applied / approved
(12) Student Related Feedbacks / Surveys:
(a) Faculty Course Review Report
(b) Faculty Survey
(c) Faculty Resume
(d) Teachers Evaluation Form

(g)     Institutional Facilities

Details of following:
(1) Class sizes (theory & practical sessions)
(2) Cafeteria
(3) Hostel accommodation
(4) Sports Facilities (including swimming pool, Gymnasium etc.)
(5) Transport arrangements for students
(6) Adequacy of secretarial support, technical staff and office equipment
(8) Databases / Record keeping of following
(i) Alumni; alumni donations
(ii) Employers (of NUST graduates)
(iii) Peers (Peers are the academics / scholars / researchers working in other Pakistani / foreign universities known to our faculty members)
(iv) HEC Department-wise Information Proforama

(h)     Library

(1) Details of Budget / availability of funds for library upgradation
(2) Library operational / maintenance procedures (SoPs)
(3) Details of Library equipment (PCs, photocopier, scanner etc)

(j)     Industrial Linkage

(1) Details of Industrial Liaison office
(2) Details of projects / funding obtained from industry
(3) Record of Visits conducted to the industry
(4) Methodology of Commercialization of Research Findings

(k)     Civic Engagement

(i) List of Research Projects related to Community
(ii) Details of Services / help rendered to the Society

(l)    Administrative / Technical Staff

(1) Administrative / Technical sections in the Institutions.
(2) Details of Administrative / Technical Staff

List of Documents

• Record of Institution’s SOPs / Policies
• Implementation on the decisions of Academic Council Meeting
• Minutes of Departmental Board of Studies Meetings
• Minute of Faculty Board of Studies Meetings
• Record of Students counseling / advising
• Record of actions taken for plagiarism, cheating, malpractice by faculty/students/staff etc
• Alumni data (Soft record)
• Record of students educational, industrial visits
• Faculty mentoring policy and it is implementation record
• Fire Safety SOP
• Record of feedback taken as per QA Dte Forms and actions taken on the feedback
• Record of International Conferences / Seminars / Workshops Organized by the Institution and Abstract of International papers.
• Action Taken on the Previous visit of Accrediting Council/ Internal Quality Audit Visit (as applicable)
• Number of Research Papers in terms of Quantity + Citations for last three years
• Record of Alumni Donations
• Community/Services record
• Evidence of Annual Budget requests from the institution to Finance Dte for last 03 year