The need for quality assurance in higher education has become a global phenomenon. Pakistan also felt the need to assess and improve the quality of higher education in the country, with the objective of achieving international competitiveness and compatibility of its academic programs and research quality. For this purpose, the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan established the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) to spearhead the movement for enhancing the quality of higher education in the country. QAA is advised by the Quality ​Assurance Committee with regard to its working and framing policies and programs for the enhancement of educational quality. The QAA has been facilitating establishment of Quality Enhancement Cells (QECs) at all public and private sector universities and higher education institutions. The function of QECs is to implement quality policies and programs as advised by National Quality Assurance Committee. NUST being committed to quality in higher education became one of the pioneer university which established and independent QA Dte and QE Cells at its each affiliated institution.